Presidents Blog - November 2024
Welcome to Filey Lions website, my name is Ian Butler and I was recently given the honour of becoming our Club President for the next 12 months.
I hope many of you enjoyed the recent Bonfire event at West Avenue car park. Filey Lions have been organising this event for for over 40 years. These days, with the cost of Fireworks and to comply with all the regulations and safety requirements, the event costs the club almost £10,000.
Thank you for all the donations we received at the Bonfire, this goes a long way towards funding next years event.
To comply with Street Collection Permit regulations, we are required to publish on our Website how much we collected, this year it was a fantastic £3,352.51.
Thank you to the many 'Friends of Filey Lions' who assisted at the event, we could not do this without your help !
Onwards now to the Christmas TESCO Trolley dash, over 85's Christmas Party and Christmas Santa Sleigh runs. See you out there.
Lion President Ian.
Skate Park Opens
Filey Lions were present at the official opening of the new Filey Skate Park. The club had donated early in the project to fund a feasibility study of the project.
Emergency Serv. Day
Filey Lions were present at the summer Emergency Services Day. Money raised on the day were donated to Yorkshire Air Ambulance and Filey Playing Fields Association.
Melvyn Jones Award
Lion Pete hutchinson is awarded the highest award in Lions International for his 16 years of Service within Filey Lions
Lions Word Cloud
We recently created a Word Cloud representing thoughts that the local community relate to Filey Lions
Sea Cadets Donation
Filey Lions donated to Filey Sea Cadets to help fund their new safety boat outboard engine
Diamond Wedding
President Richard and Lion Julie delivered gifts and best wishes to Diane & Colin on their 60th Wedding Anniversary.